Changelog (2025-03-17)¶
- Added throttling of mail batch sizes in Process Document Mail Queue (2025-02-28)¶
- Added feature to send Purchase Invoices, Purchase Credit Memos via Document Mail Queue
- Email Scenario Service Shipment_ added to the Email Accounts (2025-02-13)¶
- Added feature to send Service Orders, Service Shipments, Services Invoices and Service Credit Memos via Document Mail Queue
- Added feature to print documents to a printer using for example Universal Print printers via Document Mail Queue (2025-01-20)¶
Added additional report options for processing with Document Mail Queue: Sale Invoice Draft & Pro Forma Sales Invoice (2025-01-10)¶
- Fix: when adding entry to queue don't transcribe mail-to-address if this is set with the oninit event. This will be transcribed if there is an email set in the custom report layouts. (2024-11-11)¶
- Fix set Add to Doc. Mail Queue when convertering Sales Quote to Sales Order (2024-09-23)¶
Expand Generate Doc. Mail Queue Entries for all DMQ usages
Remove reference to user groups from setup wizard (2024-08-05)¶
Email Scenario Sales Shipment added to the Email Accounts (2024-06-14)¶
Added feature: Delete Document Mail Queue Entries
See Delete Document Mail Queue Entries (2024-06-14)¶
Moved all action(WSB_AddToDigiDocDDC) actions from addafter(xxx) to addlast(processing) (2024-04-19)¶
Added feature: Process Document Mail Queue with Output Format: Electronic Document (2024-04-15)¶
- Added feature: Document Attachments per Language Code
- Added feature: Document Amount LCY Threshold for Sales Invoice and Sales Cr. Memo (2023-12-11)¶
Fixed next major/minor build en release issues (2023-11-15)¶
Add user Permission Set setup to guided setup, and automatically start guided setup after install (2023-09-05)¶
Update Document Text Replacements update script for PTE (2023-08-31)¶
- Added feature: Document Text Replacements
- Added permission sets for manager and user
- Expanded telemetry insights (2023-05-23)¶
Added locking to prevent simultaneous processing of Doc. Mail Queue entries and added telemetry on retries (2023-04-21)¶
- The “Sent Emails” action on the Customer page and Vendor page will now also include the emails that were sent via Document Mail Queue, i.e., there is now a relation between Document Mail Queue emails and the source entity (Customer/Vendor).
- If the email body layout was specified on the queue entry as either a report layout or custom report layout, then still the report selection email body custom report layout would be used. This has been fixed.
- Added fields Custom Report Layout Code, Custom Report Layout Description, Report Layout Name and Report Layout App ID to queue entries that can be used to specify a custom report layout or report layout specifically for a queue entry.
- Added public procedures for queueing entries with an output format type different from the default (Mail with PDF). Also added corresponding event publishers.
- Added miscellaneous event publishers, e.g., wlEvpOnAfterGetEmailScenario, wlEvpOnAfterInitRecord, wlEvpOnAfterGetSourceName, wlEvpOnBeforeRunOutputFormatSpecificValidationsForQueueEntry to fill in some extensibility gaps.
- Added parameter pRecDigiDocQueueEntry to event publisher wlEvpOnBeforeGetEmailSubject. (2023-04-07)¶
- Added a new action View Sent Email... to the Document Mail Queue page
- Document Mail Queue now adds an E-mail Relation between a Document Mail Queue record and a Sent Email
- If fields Name of PDF Attachment and/or E-mail Subject are left blank, then instead of putting Document, the email will now use the built-in BC document name generation methods (e.g., Sales Quote ... will be used for e-mailing sales quotes).
- Email body lay-out on the Document Mail Queue entry will from now on be leading.
- Added Email Body Custom Report Layout and Email Body Report Layout fields (Visible = false)
- Added event wlEvpOnProduceOutputForDocumentMailQueueEntryOnCaseElse that allows for handling different output formats via a custom extension.
- Added new event publishers to improve extensibility (e.g., for processing your own report selections with Document Mail Queue)
- Updated captions and tooltips (2023-03-06)¶
Add No. of Error Document Mail Queue Records to RoleCenter activity (2022-12-22)¶
- Added event publisher WSB_DigiDocEventPublishers.wgEvpOnBefore_wlEvsCodeunitSalesPost_OnAfterPostSalesDoc & wlEvpOnBeforeQueueDocument
- Push DMQ-settings from Report Selections to Custom Report Selections (2022-12-08)¶
- Add field Max. Number of Retries reached to Document Mail Queue record
- Add subscriber to OnCompanyInitialize to run the same code as OnInstallAppPerCompany (2022-10-26)¶
- Added feature: Circuit Breaker to prevent recurring processing of the Document Mail Queue records
- Added feature: Configurable predefined report options (2022-10-07)¶
Fix issue Job Queue record processing will send mail, but not update Document Mail Queue record when user of the Job Queue record is no Document Mail Queue Manager (2022-09-27)¶
Added before and after validate queue events (2022-09-22)¶
Fix for missing Status Picture color in Document Mail Queue page (list view) (2022-09-20)¶
- Fix for using custom report layouts as e-mail body layout
- Continue processing other queue entries when one queue entry results in an error
- New action Process Queue (Selected) (2022-09-12)¶
Enhanced interoperability with Apportunix apps Document Archive, Document Creator and PDF Merge:
- Document Archive files that are set up to be available as e-mail attachment (via Document Archive Email Settings) can be automatically included as e-mail attachments (Document Archive required for this feature)
- Document report PDF is now automatically archived when mailing via Document Mail Queue and the Document Archive PDF Archive is enabled (Document Archive required for this feature)
- Document Mail Queue now uses the custom layout and e-mail body template layout as configured in Document Creator’s Apportunix Report Selection page (Document Creator required for this feature)
- Document Mail Queue now applies the PDF merges as configured in the PDF Merge Setup page (PDF Merge required for this feature) (2022-06-22)¶
- Added Cancelled entries to Doc. Mail Queue counters
- Added default setup links to Doc. Mail Queue Setup page
- Hide Doc. Mail Queue group caption on document pages when Doc. Mail Queue is not active
- Fix error during Shipment of Service Order
- Change Add to Doc. Mail Queue to option instead of checkbox (2022-03-30)¶
Fix conditional visibility of Document Mail Queue fields (2022-03-21)¶
- Use _UTF-8 _for encoding e-mails for unicode characters in e-mail
- Set old SMTP features to obsolete and integrate new SMTP features
- Improve subscription checks
- Several Role Center improvements (2022-02-16)¶
Process Sales Shipments, Sales Orders and Purchase Orders with Document Mail Queue (2021-11-01)¶
Follow standard BC functionality for creating document mail queue entries from document layout settings (2021-10-11)¶
Use Bill-To/Pay-To Customer Document Layouts for Saeles Invoice and Sales Cr. Memo (2021-09-21)¶
- Sort Document Mail Queue from new to old
- Fix correct selection of report from multiple report selection entries (2021-04-14)¶
- Added manual setup record
- Updated Apportunix Document Mail Queue full permission set (2021-01-01)¶
- Initializing of default Doc. Mail Queue Status Pictures during installation
- Integration with Enhanced email capabilities
- Provides meaningful error when no mail template is configured (2020-11-01)¶
Initial released version