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Table WSB_DigiDocQueue

Stores the Document Mail Queue entries.


Name Value
Access Public
Caption Document Mail Queue
DataClassification CustomerContent
DataPerCompany True
DrillDownPageId WSB_DigiDocQueue
LookupPageId WSB_DigiDocQueue


ID Type Name Description
1 Integer EntryNo
10 Integer SourceType
11 Code[20] SourceNo
12 Enum WSB_DigiDocReportUsage ReportUsage
13 Code[10] ReportSequence
14 Integer ReportID
15 RecordId DocumentRecordID
16 Code[20] DocumentNo
17 Text[50] SourceName
18 Integer DocumentTableID
19 Text[250] ToMailAddress
20 Text[250] CCMailAddress
21 Text[250] BCCMailAddress
22 Enum WSB_DigiDocFormat DigiFormat
23 Code[10] LanguageCode
24 Blob StatusPicture
25 Enum WSB_DigiDocQueueStatus Status
26 Code[20] DocSendProfileCode
28 Text[250] EmailBodyCustReportLayoutDesc
29 Code[20] EmailBodyLayoutCode
30 Code[50] SentBy
31 DateTime SentOn
32 Code[50] CreatedBy
33 DateTime CreatedOn
34 Code[20] ModifiedBy
35 DateTime ModifiedOn
36 Media StatusImage
37 Integer NumberOfRetries
40 Integer EmailBodyReportId
41 Text[250] EmailBodyLayoutName
42 Guid EmailBodyLayoutAppID
50 Code[20] CustomReportLayoutCode
51 Text[250] CustReportLayoutDesc
52 Text[250] ReportLayoutName
53 Guid ReportLayoutAppID
60 Decimal TotalDocumentAmountLCY
70 Text[250] PrinterName



Inits a record based on the parameters


Type Name Description
RecordId pRecordID Specifies the record ID of the document that can be sent via this queue entry.
Code[20] pDocumentNo Specifies the document no. of the document that can be sent via this queue entry.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Integer pSourceType Specifies the table Id of source entity (i.e. Customer or Vendor) for which the queue entry is added.
Code[20] pSourceNo Specifies the no. of the source entity (e.g., customer no., vendor no.)
Code[20] pDocSendProfileCode Specifies the document sending profile code.
Text pBCCEmail Specifies the BCC email to set on the new queue entry.
Code[10] pLanguageCode Specifies the language code to set on the new queue entry.
Boolean pOnHold Specifies whether status of the new queue entry should be set to "On Hold".


Inits a record based on the parameters


Type Name Description
Enum "WSB_DigiDocFormat" pOutputFormat The WSB_DigiDocFormat output format.
RecordId pRecordID Specifies the record ID of the document that can be sent via this queue entry.
Code[20] pDocumentNo Specifies the document no. of the document that can be sent via this queue entry.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Integer pSourceType Specifies the table Id of source entity (i.e. Customer or Vendor) for which the queue entry is added.
Code[20] pSourceNo Specifies the no. of the source entity (e.g., customer no., vendor no.)
Code[20] pDocSendProfileCode Specifies the document sending profile code.
Text pBCCEmail Specifies the BCC email to set on the new queue entry.
Code[10] pLanguageCode Specifies the language code to set on the new queue entry.
Boolean pOnHold Specifies whether status of the new queue entry should be set to "On Hold".


Event is raised in the end of procedure wgFncInitRecord.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DigiDocQueue" vRecDigiDocQueueEntry The Document Mail Queue entry.