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Setup & Usage

This chapter provides details about how to set up and use the functionality of this extension and will present several examples and scenarios to demonstrate the functionalities. A basic understanding of how to work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is presumed.

Business Central Setup

Document Mail Queue uses standard Business Central functionality. These features are listed below with the documentation link of Microsoft to assist you with the setup.

Quick Setup

Document Mail Queue Setup

1. Use the Tell Me search feature to search for and open the Document Mail Queue Setup page.

Set the following fields in the Document Mail Queue Setup

Number of Retries: Set up the max. Number of Retries of processing an entry

Sales Order

  • Always: Always add the SO to the DMQ on release
  • First Time: Only add the SO the DMQ on the first release
  • Never: Never add the SO to the DMQ

Purchase Order

  • Always: Always add the PO to the DMQ on release
  • First Time: Only add the PO the DMQ on the first release
  • *Never: Never add the PO to the DMQ

Set up the Email Accounts and provide a default or define the use per scenario if you are using the Enhanced email capabilities in the Email Scenario Assignment

Set up Doc. Mail Queue Status Pictures

  • Search and open the Doc. Mail Queue Status Pictures in Tell me


  • The active Doc. Mail Queue Status Pictures are visible in this view. With a new initialization this view is empty


  • For the first time you can initialize the status pictures with the action Initialize Pictures from the ribbon

Set up Document Sending Profile

  1. Open the (default) Document Sending Profile


  1. Set the toggle Doc. Mail Queue to Yes


  1. Open the Doc. Mail Queue Settings from the ribbon


Insert a new line and fill in the required fields

  • Usage: or which document type the Document Mail Queue is used. Options are: Sales Invoice; Sales Credit Memo; Purchase Invoice; Purchase Credit Memo; Reminder; Financial Charge; Service Invoice; Service Credit Memo

  • Output Format: Define the output format for the selected usage. Here you can define the following options: Mail with PDF (a mail with a PDF attachment is being sent), Mail with PDF and Electronic Document (a mail with a PDF attachment and a electronic document like PEPPOL is being sent, the electronic document follows the default Microsoft functionality), Mail with Electronic Document (a mail with a electronic document like PEPPOL is being sent, the eletronic document follows the default Microsoft functionality), Print (the document is being printed to a printer using the default document printing functionality in Business Central)

  • Default BCC Email: All generated e-mails will have this e-mail address as BCC-recipient. This allows you to keep a copy of the sent e-mail in a generic e-mail inbox

  • Add all attachments of Source document: Add all the attachments of the source document to the e-mail

  • Document as PDF Document: Add the document as PDF attachment to the e-mail

  • Name of PDF Attachment: Open the record by clicking on the _ and fill the required fields as explained in the set-up Document Replacements.

  • E-mail subject: Open the record by clicking on the _ and fill the required fields as explained in the set-up Document Replacements.

  • Default Attachment File Name: Allows you to add a default attachment to the e-mail for example a “Sales Conditions”-document You can set up a default attachment per language code. When no language code is filled this record will be used if no language code is filled in the document or not set up in the Default Attachments.

  • Check Document Amount Threshold: Sets the status of a Document Mail Queue entry to ‘On Hold’ when the document amount LCT is below the Document Amount LCT Threshold. Only applies to Sales Invoices and Sales Cr. Memo documents.

  • Document Amount Threshold: Sets the status of a Document Mail Queue entry to ‘On Hold’ when the total document amount LCT is below this setting. Only applies to Sales Invoice and Sales Cr. Memo documents.

  • Output Format: Specifies whether to add a PDF-file and/or Electronic Document of the document as attachment to the e-mail. Options are:

    • Mail with PDF
    • Mail with PDF and Electronic Document
    • Mail with Electronic Document
  • Electronic Document Format: Specifies how customers are set up with their preferred method of sending Electronic Documents. Only available when the Output Format is Mail with Electronic Document or Mail with PDF and Electronic Document.


Set up Document Text Replacements

Insert a new line and fill in the required fields:

  • Language Code: Fill in the used language codes. When no language code is filled this record will be used if no language code is filled in the document or not set up in the Document Text Replacements.

  • Replacement For

  • PDF Attachment Name

  • E-mail subject

  • Replacement Text: Fill in the used language codes. When no language code is filled this record will be used if no language code is filled in the document.

  • Field 1: This field is system reserved for the Document number. To use Field 1 in the Replacement Text type %1.

  • Field 2: You can select which field from the posted document you want to use in the replacement text. To use Field 2 in the Replacement Text type %2.

  • Field 3: You can select which field from the posted document you want to use in the replacement text. To use Field 3 in the Replacement Text type %3.

  • Field 4: You can select which field from the posted document you want to use in the replacement text. To use Field 4 in the Replacement Text type %4.

  • Field 5: You can select which field from the posted document you want to use in the replacement text. To use Field 5 in the Replacement Text type %5.

Last update: February 28, 2025