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Codeunit WSB_DigiDocQueueHelper

Provides helper functions for handling Document Mail Queue entries.


Name Value
Access Public



Extracts values from supplied Variant and returns the values in the var parameters


Type Name Description
Variant pRecRelatedVariant Parameter of type Variant.
RecordId vRecordID Parameter of type RecordID.
Code[20] vDocumentNo Parameter of type Code[20].
Enum "Report Selection Usage" vReportUsage Parameter of type Enum "Report Selection Usage".
Integer vSourceType Parameter of type Integer.
Code[20] vSourceNo Parameter of type Code[20].
Code[10] vLanguageCode Parameter of type Code[10].
Boolean vOnHold Parameter of type Boolean.


Type Description
Boolean Returns true on success.


Returns the Document Sending Profile Code of a Customer or Vendor.\ Will be empty if nothing is set or found


Type Name Description
Integer pSourceType Table No. of Customer or Vendor (Database::Customer)
Code[20] pSourceNo Customer No. or Vendor No.


Type Description
Code[20] Returns the document sending profile code of the source.


This interactive procedure creates a Job Queue Entry which is used for processing Document Mail Queue entries via a processing-only report.


This interactive procedure creates a Job Queue Entry which is used for generating Document Mail Queue entries via a processing-only report.


Event is raised in the end of procedure wgFncExtractValuesFromRecVariant for an unsupported table id.


Type Name Description
Variant pRecRelatedVariant The document record to create a document mail queue entry for.
RecordId vRecordID Specifies the record ID of the document to be sent a new queue entry.
Code[20] vDocumentNo Specifies the document no. of the document to be sent via a new queue entry.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" vReportUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Integer vSourceType Specifies the table Id of source entity (i.e. Customer or Vendor) for which the queue entry is added.
Code[20] vSourceNo Specifies the no. of the source entity (e.g., customer no., vendor no.)
Code[10] vLanguageCode Specifies the language code to set on the new queue entry.
Boolean vOnHold Specifies whether status of the new queue entry should be set to "On Hold".
Boolean vIsHandled Set to true if the values are succesfully retrieved.