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Codeunit WSB_DigiDocQueueEntryMgt

Provides functionality for handling and mailing Document Mail Queue Entries.


Name Value
Access Public



Modify the source name (customer name or vendor name)


Type Name Description
Integer pSourceType Specifies the table Id of source entity (i.e. Customer or Vendor) for which the queue entry is added.
Code[20] pSourceNo Specifies the no. of the source entity (e.g., customer no., vendor no.)
Text vSourceName Specifies name of the source entity.


Allows to hook into or override enqueuing records for documents to be printed.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DigiDocQueue" vRecDigiDocEntry The Document Mail Queue entry.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Integer pAccountTableID The ID of the table that the account can be found in (e.g., customer/vendor)
Code[20] pAccountNo The no. of the account (e.g., customer/vendor no.)
Boolean vAllEntriesEnqueuedSuccessfully Specifies whether all print queue records were enqueued successfully.
Boolean vIsHandled Set this parameter to true if your extension-subscriber handles the enqueuing of records to be printed for the document.


You can override of manupulate the sending of e-mails here


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DigiDocQueue" vRecDigiDocEntry The Document Mail Queue entry.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Boolean pFoundBody Species whether a mail body is found.
Boolean pFoundAttachment Species whether a mail attachment is found.
Text[250] pDefaultEmailAddress Species the default email address.
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachReportSelections Temporary report selection records to attach.
Record "Custom Report Selection" vRecCustomReportSelection The filtered custom report record.
Integer pEmailBodyReportID The report Id for the email body.
Code[20] pEmailBodyReportLayoutCode The report layout code for the email body.
Integer pReportId The report Id for the email.
Boolean vAllEmailsWereSuccessful Specifies whether all mails were succesfull.
Boolean vIsHandled Set to true to bypass standard document mail queue send mail directly.


Allows to hook into the creation of queue records that should be printed, at the moment where the queue entry record is initialized but not yet inserted.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DigiDocQueue" vRecDigiDocEntry The Document Mail Queue entry
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportSelectionUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Record "Report Selections" temporary pRecTempReportSelection The print report selection that is used to generate the queue entry.
Boolean vAllEntriesEnqueuedSuccessfully Specifies whether all print queue records up until this point were enqueued successfully.


Allows to hook into the creation of queue records that should be emailed, at the moment where the queue entry record is initialized but not yet inserted.


Type Name Description
Record "WSB_DigiDocQueue" vRecDigiDocEntry The Document Mail Queue entry.
Enum "Report Selection Usage" pReportUsage Specifies the report selection usage that applies for the new queue entry.
Boolean pFoundBody Species whether a mail body is found.
Boolean pFoundAttachment Species whether a mail attachment is found.
Text[250] pDefaultEmailAddress Species the default email address.
Record "Report Selections" temporary vRecTempAttachReportSelections Temporary report selection records to attach.
Record "Custom Report Selection" vRecCustomReportSelection The filtered custom report record.
Integer pEmailBodyReportID The report Id for the email body.
Code[20] pEmailBodyReportLayoutCode The report layout code for the email body.
Integer pReportId The report Id for the email.
Boolean vAllEmailsWereSuccessful Specifies whether all mails were succesfull.